Environmental Restoration Services
Day Environmental, Inc. (DAY) in association with its affiliated company Day Engineering, P. C. provides design, construction oversight, and monitoring services for various aspects of environmental remediation. The types of environmental restoration services provided by DAY include:
- Biostimulation
- Bioaugmentation
- Chemical Treatment and Oxidation
- Air Sparging
- Oxygen Injection
- Vapor Intrusion Mitigation
- Excavation and Disposal
- Phytoremediation
- Encapsulation
- Landfill Closure and Capping Systems
- Groundwater Collection and Treatment
- Monitored Natural Attenuation
Examples of Environmental Restoration projects completed by DAY are described below:
Brownfield Cleanup Program (BCP) remediation at an active Dry Cleaning Plant in Jamestown, New York:
Subsequent to the completion of a Remedial Investigation (RI) and Remedial Alternatives Analysis (RAA) report, DAY designed and implemented a multi-phase remedial approach consisting of a dense non-aqueous phase liquid (DNAPL) removal system coupled with a downgradient permeable reactive barrier. Following the physical removal of DNAPL, a combination of chemical and biological treatment is planned to address residual contamination, and a vapor mitigation system will be installed within the facility.
Remediation of a Petroleum Spill Site in Hornell, New York:
Following studies to characterize the site and preparation of a Remedial Action Plan (RAP), DAY designed and constructed an air sparging system to address an approximate 40,000 square foot contaminant plume. The air sparging system was supplemented by a targeted injection of anaerobic microbes to promote bioremediation and supplement the treatment process.
Inactive Hazardous Waste Disposal Site (IHWDS) in Clarence, New York:
Completed a Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Study (RI/FS) and designed/monitored the construction of a remedial system that included the consolidation of waste materials with limited removal/disposal of buried drums, followed by the installation of a composite liner system designed in accordance with NYSDEC Part 360 requirements over this approximate 2 acre site. Also, responsible for the long-term monitoring of the remedial system and the development/submittal of a Periodic Review Report to the NYSDEC.
PCB Remediation at New Haven Railroad Yard, New Haven, Connecticut:
Testing of sludge/sediment samples collected from the Drop Table Pit inside the maintenance car shop identified PCB concentrations as high as 6,500 mg/Kg (or parts per million). To address this contamination, DAY designed a multi-task remediation scheme that included the removal of accumulated sediments from the Drop Table Pit and sump followed by a double wash/rinse. After this cleaning, the Drop Table Pit was encapsulated with two coats of epoxy paint of contrasting color and PCB-notification signs were posted as required by the USEPA. The piping within the car shop was cleaned by initially removing accumulated sediments, flushing with water followed by a rinse with a performance-based organic decontamination fluid (PODF) approved by the USEPA. The remediation was completed by installing a filtering system to remove oil that collects within the Drop Table Pit sump prior to this water entering the piping within the shop area.
Buried Railroad Tie Remediation, Hudson and Harlem Rail Lines, Westchester County, New York:
Historically, railroad ties were disposed in 28 locations along the railroad right-of-way, which resulted in the NYSDEC issuing an order-on-consent that required the evaluation and remediation of these buried railroad tie sites. DAY assisted Metro-North Railroad (MNR) in addressing the requirements of the order-on-consent. In addition to completing studies to assess environmental impact, DAY prepared design documents for the removal of the railroad ties from select locations and the consolidation and capping of railroad ties in locations deemed not to represent an environmental risk.
BCP Evaluation and Remediation at a Former Auto Trimmings Manufacturing Facility in Rochester, New York:
In conjunction with the RI, DAY implemented an Interim Remedial Measure (IRM) that included the removal of four underground storage tanks containing petroleum products and/or phthalate plasticizers followed by the design and installation of an in-situ bioremediation system was installed within the tank grave in order to remediate residual soil and groundwater contamination that was attributed to historic releases from the USTs. A Remedial Work Plan was developed to address the remaining contamination at the Site pursuant to obtaining BCP Certificate of Completion.
Environmental Restoration Program (ERP) Evaluation and Remedial Activities; Former Dry Cleaning Supply Company, Rochester, New York:
DAY initially completed a RI/RAA at this site that included geophysical studies to identify buried structures potentially indicative of environmental impact, the advancement of test borings coupled with the use of a Membrane Interface Probe (MIP) to obtain real-time data, installation of monitoring wells, advancement of test pits, and the collection and testing of samples of various media. In conjunction with the RI fieldwork, Interim Remedial Measures (IRMs) were implemented that included removal of 2,000 tons of PCE-contaminated soil, a combined sewer main trunk line, two underground storage tanks, 200 linear feet of sanitary sewer piping containing PCE-impacted sediments, a petroleum-impacted trench drain and adjoining soils, and a small area of PCB-impacted soils. To address contamination remaining at the site, DAY designed and is in the process of implementing In-Situ Chemical Oxidation (ISCO) via the injection of approximately 36,000 pounds of potassium permanganate at between 30 and 50 injection points. Two-dimensional and three-dimensional GIS modelling were used to correlate the data collected and target areas for treatment.
DAY has a diverse staff with the Technical Expertise required to efficiently complete environmental restoration projects from site evaluation through design and construction. Some of this expertise includes professional engineers with backgrounds in chemical and civil engineering, other environmental professionals, construction specialist and managers, wastewater treatment plant operators, CAD and GIS specialists, computer programmers/data management specialists, health & safety officers, and regulatory compliance.