Environmental Site Investigation
Diverse Professional Staff comprised of Professional Engineers, Geologists, Hydrogeologists, Environmental Technicians, GIS Specialists and support staff that provide comprehensive site evaluation services including:
Brownfield Cleanup Program (BCP) and Environmental Restoration
Program (ERP)
evaluations including the preparation of BCP applications, development of work plans, implementation of Remedial Investigations (RI), completion of Remedial Alternatives Analysis (RAA), development of required reports and supporting documentation, and Citizen Participation.
Phase II Environmental Site Assessments (Phase II ESA)
Completed in accordance with ASTM Method El903 that are designed to evaluate Recognized Environmental Conditions (RECs). Each Phase II ESA is focused to address identified RECs in a cost-effective manner. Phase II ESA work may include geophysical studies to evaluate the presence of buried tanks and other anomalies, excavation of test pits to assess the nature and extent of fill/waste materials, and sub grade structures, advancement of test borings to evaluate subsurface conditions and collect samples for field screening and analytical laboratory testing, installation of monitoring wells to evaluate groundwater flow conditions and obtain representative samples for testing, collection/testing of soil vapor samples and completion of soil vapor intrusion (SVI) assessments, and the evaluation of the data collected to develop a professional opinion of environmental impact and the need for additional study /remediation.
Petroleum Spill Site investigations
Include assistance in the negotiation of a Stipulation Agreement (STIP) with the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC), preparation of Corrective Action Plans (CAP) describing studies proposed to evaluate the spill pursuant to remediation/closure, completion of studies necessary to delineate the nature and extent, design and implementation of cost effective remedial actions aimed at obtaining a No Further Action (NFA) letter from the NYSDEC.
Geographic Information System (GIS)
Databases are developed and implemented during environmental site evaluations as warranted to manoge data; ond present findings using spatial modeling to allow efficient analysis, define data gaps and assist in the development of remedial alternatives.
Specialized Equipment
Owned by DAY that is required to complete environmental site assessments includes hand-operated Geoprobe Systems sampling equipment, low-flow groundwater sampling systems, Photoioinzotion Detectors (PID), water quality meters, vacuum purge systems capable of purging monitoring wells and collecting samples of Dense Non-Aqueous Phose Liquid (DNAPL), submersible sample pumps, passive diffusion samplers (PDS), disposable boilers, and other associated exploration and sampling supplies.
Support Staff
With the technical expertise required to efficiently complete environmental site assessments is utilized as necessary. Some of this expertise includes CAD operators, GIS specialists, computer programmers/data management specialists, health safety officers, and regulatory compliance experts.